Transform Your Future with a Career Coach
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Transform Your Future with a Career Coach

Dreaming about your next career move can be exciting and energizing, and having a career coach by your side can make it even more rewarding. Think of it as having your own personal career team in your pocket, helping you strategize wisely each step of the way.

Here are some fantastic ways we can guide you on your path.

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Career Reinvention with Purpose and Passion
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Career Reinvention with Purpose and Passion

Changing or transforming your career can be an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. Whether you're looking to make a transition due to personal growth, shifting industries, or simply exploring new opportunities, here's a 10-step plan to help you successfully embark on your career reinvention journey.

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Negotiating a Job: Focus on This, Not That
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Negotiating a Job: Focus on This, Not That

In general, job offer negotiations are rarely easy but can be critical in advancing your career and ensuring you're paid fairly for your skills and experience. How you handle yourself will depend on where you are in your career and what aspects of the role are most important to you. 

Why both? The resume and career portfolio have different purposes and unique benefits.

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11 Compelling Reasons to Create a Career Portfolio
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

11 Compelling Reasons to Create a Career Portfolio

A traditional resume highlighting your awesomeness is mandatory when looking for a job or changing careers. But depending on your situation, developing a career portfolio in addition to providing your resume might tip the scales in your favor.

Why both? The resume and career portfolio have different purposes and unique benefits.

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Is Your Workplace Culture Toxic?
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Is Your Workplace Culture Toxic?

You’ve been looking for work. You get through the interview process and land your dream job.  Or so you thought. Two months into the job, you’re miserable and wondering how your take on the culture was wrong. The workplace is toxic, and you want out… What now?

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What is the Right Way to Quit?
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

What is the Right Way to Quit?

If you have signed an at-will agreement, have an employment contract, or are a union member, do your research to find out how to turn in your resignation. Do you need to provide two weeks’ notice? Does notice need to be provided in writing? Make sure you are following the process outlined in the written materials.

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Find The Right Company Culture
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Find The Right Company Culture

Have you ever taken a job that was different than you expected? Were you devastated because either your job duties changed, or you ended up working with a different manager whose style did not fit yours?

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Get Noticed – Quantify Your Accomplishments
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Get Noticed – Quantify Your Accomplishments

As a job seeker, do you find it challenging to toot your own horn? Many clients tell us that they can do it for their companies, but when it comes to talking about themselves, that’s a different story. Describing and quantifying your accomplishments is integral to every successful job search.

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What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

With the average job-seeker experiencing multiple career changes in their lifetime, having a clear understanding of the skills and qualifications needed for a specific role is crucial. This post highlights the importance of professional help in achieving career clarity, including career exploration coaching and career assessments. By gaining a better understanding of one's values, interests, and skills, individuals can better articulate their unique values and stand out in a competitive job market.

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The Ultimate Guide: What to Do After the Job Interview
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

The Ultimate Guide: What to Do After the Job Interview

You just left the interview and feel eager, excited, and nervous. You think it went great. Now what?
Now is not the time to let up. Everything you’ve done up to this point is moving you forward in your job search. Keep the momentum going.

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When NOT to Include a Job on Your Resume
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

When NOT to Include a Job on Your Resume

Imagine you changed jobs, and you’re just not a fit. You’re miserable and plan to say adios as soon as possible. Is excluding that role from your resume okay, or is that dishonest?

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Elevator Pitch Secrets
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Elevator Pitch Secrets

Some industries require a different approach than the general elevator pitch. For example, if you’re in a service industry — therapist, coach, consultant, etc. — one of the easiest ways to answer the question “What do you do?” is to take the spotlight off you and put it onto your clients. This focuses the conversation on what you do for your clients and what they get from working with you. 

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Elevator Pitch - Get Noticed
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Elevator Pitch - Get Noticed

Whether you’re interviewing or networking, someone inevitably says, “Tell me about yourself.” “So, what do you do?” asks the person you met at a networking get-together. In another likely scenario, you find yourself in an elevator with someone you’ve wanted to meet. What do you say?

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Job Interviews: Best & Worst Times
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

Job Interviews: Best & Worst Times

When is the best time to schedule your interview? The easy answer is whenever it works for the interviewer! After all, that’s the goal — to get the interview and the job offer.

But what if you are offered a choice of dates and times for the interview?  Is it better to be the first person interviewed? Or to be one of the final candidates considered? Should you schedule your interview for the morning? Or the afternoon?  And, if you’re offered the option of a virtual interview or meeting in person, which should you choose?

Here are the pros and cons of being towards the front of the pack, one of the last, or somewhere in the middle.

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