Transform Your Future with a Career Coach

Dreaming about your next career move can be exciting and energizing, and having a career coach by your side can make it even more rewarding. Think of it as having your own personal career team in your pocket, helping you strategize wisely each step of the way.

Here are some fantastic ways we can guide you on your path:

Clarity and Focus: We will act as your compass, helping you chart your course and clarify your goals and action steps. Let us be a shortcut to the right opportunities, saving you precious time and effort.

Personalized Guidance: No one-size-fits-all solutions here. We offer tailored guidance designed for your unique situation, skills, strengths, and challenges. We have many resources, including proven strategies, handouts, and more. Expect advice that resonates with what’s most important to you.

Skill Assessment: We’ll equip you with tools to assess your skills, identify your transferable strengths, and highlight areas for growth. We'll be your partner in professional development, ensuring you have the right tools in your toolbox to position you as an awesome candidate for the roles you are targeting.  

Career Strategy: Together, we'll create a robust career strategy, setting both short-term and long-term goals, actionable steps, and realistic timelines for achieving milestones. 

Confidence Boost: Watch your confidence soar as we help you articulate your abilities and talents and share how you will contribute to reaching stretch goals at work. You'll be a pro at presenting yourself in the best light during job interviews and networking events.

Networking Mastery: Networking can be your secret weapon, and we will teach you the art of building and nurturing a valuable professional network. These connections can reveal hidden job opportunities and industry insights.

Resume Optimization: We are crazy resume-writing wordsmiths trained by the best in the industry. Let us turn your resume into a dazzling showcase of your accomplishments and qualifications. It is not uncommon for our clients to be contacted within 24 hours of applying for a job and submitting their resume (assuming the job is really available).

Interview Excellence: With practice interviews and personalized feedback, you'll be a master at anticipating and gracefully handling common questions and tricky situations.

Salary Negotiation: Money isn’t the only factor to consider when negotiating total compensation. Let us provide you with tactics and approaches you’ll use throughout your career journey. 

ROI on Investment: Yes, hiring a career coach involves an initial investment, but the returns in terms of improved job opportunities, career growth, and overall job satisfaction can far surpass the cost.

Career Assessments Can Help Light the Way

And now, let's talk about finding your true path. Professional career assessment tests conducted by our certified Life Working® career coaches can be your guiding light for the next steps in your career journey.

After completing your assessments, one of our certified coaches will sit down with you to dive into the results. You'll uncover invaluable insights about your personality type, innate abilities, communication style, and personal impact. This newfound knowledge can enhance your quality of life and pave the way for your next exciting career move.

We're here to make your career dreams a reality, and we can't wait to partner on this journey with you!

For more information and a free consultation, visit the Life Working Career Assessment Center and schedule a free consultation now.