Feeling Lost? Change Careers & Unlock Your Potential
Do you feel stuck in a boring, depressing job that no longer excites you? Don't worry. If you're yearning for a brighter, more fulfilling career path, we're here to guide you toward a successful transition. With the support of our Life Working® experts, you'll embark on an empowering journey to rediscover professional fulfillment. Your happiness and a promising new career adventure await!
Transform Your Future with a Career Coach
Dreaming about your next career move can be exciting and energizing, and having a career coach by your side can make it even more rewarding. Think of it as having your own personal career team in your pocket, helping you strategize wisely each step of the way.
Here are some fantastic ways we can guide you on your path.
Let's Get to Work: Practical Tips for 50+ Job Seekers
I love coaching people in their careers and job searches. Recently I spoke to a group of unemployed job seekers, mostly 50+, as I have done many times. The focus of the presentation involved outlining the actions needed to conduct a successful job search in 2015. I made no mention of age.