Job Search Strategies That Actually Work

You’re happily driving along the highway of life. Then, one day, the unthinkable happens. You’ve been laid off, and you need a plan.

We created this guide to help you understand and implement the most effective job search strategies. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to securing the right position with a quality company that offers an exciting future.

Key Highlights

1. Get to Know Yourself

First, you need to know yourself well enough to set yourself up for success. Take time for self-reflection. Define your passions and interests. Consider career tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in combination with the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and others offered by the Life Working® Career Assessment Center. These tools can provide valuable insights into your skills, interests, and personality type, empowering you to steer your career in the right direction.

Pro Tip: If you haven’t already, take a personality test and read through the results for inspiration. The Life Working Career Assessment Center offers an interactive, engaging experience that helps you figure out who you are and apply that knowledge to explore your career options more precisely and confidently.

2. Establish Your Goals

Don’t leave your career to chance. Create clear career goals and priorities to stay focused. Determine your salary requirements, desired flexibility, and ideal work environment. Prioritize your wish list to guide your job search effectively.

Pro Tip: Consider making a vision board to help you better understand your career dreams, or try journaling to clarify your thoughts about your dream job, ideal company, and work environment where you will thrive. Additionally, practice answering interview questions about your career goals to stay motivated and prepared.

3. Master Time Management

Effective time management is crucial in balancing your job search with other responsibilities. It can help you stay organized and productive, ensuring that you make the most of your job search activities.

PRO TIP: Harness the power of these time management tools:

  • Task Management Apps:

    • Trello: A visual tool that helps you organize tasks using boards and lists. It's excellent for tracking job applications and deadlines.

    • Asana: Allows you to create tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. You can also collaborate with others if you're working with a career coach or mentor.

    • Todoist: A simple yet powerful task manager that lets you create and organize tasks, set priorities, and track your progress.

  • Calendar Apps:

    • Google Calendar: Use this tool to schedule job search activities, interviews, and follow-ups. Set reminders to ensure you meet all important deadlines.

    • Microsoft Outlook: Integrates email and calendar functions, helping you manage your schedule and communications in one place.

  • Time Tracking Tools:

    • Toggl: Track the time you spend on different job search activities to identify areas for improvement.

    • RescueTime: Monitors your computer usage and provides insights into how you spend your time, helping you reduce distractions.

  • Note-Taking Apps:

    • Evernote: Organize your job search notes, company research, and interview preparation materials.

    • OneNote: A digital notebook for keeping track of job applications, interview notes, and career planning.

Time Management Techniques:

  • Set Clear Goals:
    Define what you want to achieve in your job search. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to stay focused.

  • Prioritize Tasks:
    Identify high-priority tasks and focus on those first. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

  • Create a Job Search Schedule:
    Allocate specific times of the day or week to job search activities. Consistency helps maintain momentum and reduces stress.

  • Batch Similar Tasks:
    Group similar tasks together, such as sending out applications, networking, or following up on leads. This approach minimizes task-switching and increases efficiency.

  • Set Time Limits:
    Use the Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a more extended break. This helps maintain focus and prevents burnout.

  • Eliminate Distractions:
    Identify and minimize distractions in your work environment. Use tools like website blockers during your dedicated job search times.

  • Take Care of Yourself:
    Ensure you balance job search activities with self-care. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep to stay healthy and maintain your energy levels. Read The Secret to Self-Care.

4. Attend Job Fairs, Both in Person and Virtually

Job fairs are valuable resources for job seekers looking to expand their professional network, learn about new opportunities, and make a lasting impression on potential employers. Attending job fairs in person and virtually can help you validate your job search strategy and increase the likelihood of finding the right fit.

Here’s how to make the most of job fairs during your remote job search:

  • Research upcoming events: Subscribe to industry newsletters and join professional organizations within your field.

  • Prepare your elevator pitch: Practice your elevator pitch or take advantage of our job interview prep sessions so you can confidently present yourself to potential employers and make a solid first impression.

  • Dress professionally: Even if the event you’re attending is virtual, dressing professionally shows potential employers that you’re serious about your job search.

  • Engage in conversation: Use your research to ask the right questions and show genuine interest in the companies and roles being presented.

Pro Tip: Research companies attending the fairs, prepare your elevator pitch, and dress professionally to stand out. Tailor your resume and print multiple copies for in-person events or have a digital version ready to email for virtual fairs.

5. Enlist a Mentor

Mentors offer valuable insights and guidance based on their experience. They often provide valuable advice on improving your job search strategy—from setting goals to preparing for an interview.

Look for mentors in your preferred industry, especially those with a successful track record. Career coaches can be beneficial if you want to change careers or land your first role in a competitive field.

Pro Tip: Ask specific questions about professional development opportunities, ways to stand out during the job search process, and other career-related topics.

6. Expand and Research Job Title Variations

Broaden your job search by researching different job titles. This can help you uncover roles that fit your skills but are listed under various names.

For example, if you're looking for a remote administrative position, consider applying to roles such as "virtual assistant" or "remote office manager." This can increase your chances of finding jobs that have yet to appear in your initial search results.

Pro Tip: Keep a list of job title variations to enhance your search and increase your chances of finding the right fit.

7. Hire a Career Coach

Consider professional guidance from a Life Working® career coach to create an effective job search strategy to land your next exciting position.

Our experienced professionals can help you gain confidence if you're overwhelmed with the job search process or need a fresh perspective on marketing yourself and your skills. We make great cheerleaders and accountability partners and will provide personalized advice to help you reach your goals.

Pro Tip: Before hiring a coach, read reviews online or ask for referrals from people in your network to ensure you receive quality guidance. Finding someone with a proven track record of helping others is essential.

8. Practice, Practice, Practice for Interviews

When it comes to interviews, preparation and practice are everything. Research the company and position thoroughly and practice your responses to interview questions. Hire a Life Working® interview coach to ensure your answers are engaging, clear, and concise.

Pro Tip:  Record and review your answers to improve your confidence and delivery, especially for virtual interviews.

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You Deserve a Job That Brings You Joy and Fulfilment

With the right job search strategy, you can succeed and secure a role that offers professional growth, competitive salary, work-life balance, and a positive work environment. By approaching your job search step-by-step, you'll be well-equipped to stand out from the competition and achieve your career goals.

A sound strategy is the foundation of a successful job search. At Life Working®, we offer career coaching, personalized resume and writing services, and a free consultation to help you find a meaningful career.  

We're here to support you on your job search journey!
The Life Working Writing Services and Career Coaching Team 
Exploring Careers. Changing Lives.®