Don't Be Fooled: How to Spot a Fake Job Posting

Imagine applying for a job, eagerly anticipating a response, but weeks pass without a word. This frustrating scenario is more common than you might think. You may have fallen victim to an ongoing issue in the job market—a ghost job posting.

Navigating the job market can be challenging, especially when faced with ghost job postings. These elusive listings can waste your time and energy. As experts in career coaching, job search strategies, and resume writing, our goal is to provide you with innovative approaches to identify and avoid ghost job postings, ensuring your efforts lead to genuine opportunities.

What are Ghost Job Postings?

Ghost jobs, also known as fake or inactive job listings, are prevalent in the job market. Positions that appear online are either already filled or nonexistent. Sometimes, employers keep a job posting up even though they intend to wait to fill the position.

These practices can mislead job seekers, causing frustration and uncertainty, leaving candidates in limbo, and distorting job market data. For instance, if a significant portion of the 10 million job openings reported are actually ghost jobs, the job market may not be as robust as it appears. (In some cases, it could be a fake job posting related to a scam.)

Why Companies Use Ghost Job Postings

According to a 2022 survey of over 1,000 managers by loan provider Clarify Capital, 27% acknowledged keeping a job listing up for over four months. In that survey, 43% of managers who said they kept inactive job listings up said they did so to motivate employees or to give off the impression that the company was growing. Other motivations for posting ghost jobs were to keep an active pool of applicants or placate overworked employees.

Another recent study confirms this growing trend. In a survey of over 1,000 HR managers, 68% admitted keeping job postings active for more than 30 days. In addition, one in 10 respondents has had a job opening for over six months. When asked why they aren't actively trying to fill these roles, the top three reasons included:

  1. Perception of Growth: Open job listings can signal growth to competitors, investors, and employees.

  2. Talent Pool Management: Companies might collect applications for future openings, creating a ready inventory of potential hires.

  3. Employee Motivation: The illusion of hiring can boost morale and productivity among current staff.

As a job seeker, it's crucial to be vigilant and discern which job openings are genuine. These suggestions will equip you to distinguish between a ghost job listing and a legitimate opportunity.

Spotting a Ghost Job: Expert Tips

1.     Check the Posting Date

  • Tip: If a job has been posted for over a month, it might be a ghost job. Most companies aim to fill positions quickly so prolonged listings can be a red flag.

  • According to a June 2023 report by the Josh Bersin Company, a human capital advisory firm, the average time to hire is 43 days, with longer time spans for more highly skilled positions (engineering, for example). But think about your previous job hunts and how quickly they moved from application to offer—and remember that a hiring manager who needs to fill a position is likely in a hurry to do so. They’re probably ready to shed the extra work!

2.     Assess Job Description Quality

  • Tip: Genuine job postings provide detailed descriptions of responsibilities and qualifications. Vague or overly generic listings might indicate a ghost job.

  • Many ghost jobs don't even include a position description. Instead, they highlight a long list of perks to encourage candidates to apply.

  • Ultimately, if the listing reads like a generic template, it is likely a fake job posting.

3.     Cross-Reference with the Company’s Website

  • Tip: Always check if the job is listed on the company’s official career page. Inconsistencies between job boards and the company site can suggest the posting is outdated or fake.

  • See if you have any connections with people who work at the company. At that point, you can network with someone you know to inquire whether they are still hiring.

  • Search LinkedIn and reach out to the hiring manager. If the position is already filled, it's a win because you saved yourself some time. Another bonus is that the hiring manager may offer to consider you for future opportunities.

  • On the other hand, if the role is open, you can discuss your skills and qualifications with someone directly involved in the hiring process.

4.     Research Recent Company News

  • Tip: Be cautious if a company has recently announced layoffs or a hiring freeze.

  • A ghost job listing may be posted to make it seem like the company is on the rebound.

  • Try to research the company in the press. If the organization just announced a hiring freeze, it is unlikely to fill any new positions immediately.

5.     Evaluate the Job Offer If It Seems Too Good to Be True

  • Tip: If a job seems too good to be true, it probably is. Overly generous compensation for minimal responsibilities can signify a scam or ghost job.

6.     Investigate Internal Candidates

  • Tip: Companies are sometimes required by law or policies to post positions publicly, even if they've already decided on an internal candidate. In that case, the position may only stay up for a short time, but it could still be a ghost job. It's hard to beat out an internal candidate.

  • Look for signs of strong internal candidates to gauge the posting’s legitimacy.

Unfortunately, many companies don’t reply to all job candidates—only those interviewed, and sometimes, not even then. You may never know whether a posting is a ghost job, but if you have suspicions, it's probably time to cut your losses and move on.

Innovative Strategies for Job Seekers

1.     Leverage Professional Networks

  • Strategy: Use LinkedIn and other professional networks to connect with current employees or hiring managers. Direct inquiries can clarify the job's status.

  • Even better, network your way into the organizations on your target company list and find out about job openings before they are posted online. Learn more about Unlocking The Hidden Job Market here.

2.     Set Up Job Alerts

  • Strategy: Use job alert tools to receive notifications of new postings. This helps you apply early, reducing the risk of encountering ghost jobs.

3.     Engage in Informational Interviews

  • Strategy: Conduct informational interviews with employees at your target companies. These conversations can reveal internal hiring processes and upcoming opportunities.

4.     Use Advanced Job Search Filters

  • Strategy: Employ advanced filters on job boards to refine your search. Focus on recently posted jobs and specific criteria to avoid outdated listings.

5.     Monitor Company Activities

  • Strategy: Monitor company announcements, financial reports, and industry news. Understanding a company's current state can help you identify genuine hiring needs.


The job market is filled with both opportunities and pitfalls. By applying these expert tips and innovative strategies, you can confidently navigate job listings and focus on real opportunities. Our career coaching and resume writing services are here to help you land your next job. Contact us today to take the next step in your career journey.

At Life Working®, we understand that finding an ideal job isn’t always straightforward. Our  Career Coaches can help you confidently navigate your job search, pinpoint possible ghost job postings, and make the right decisions.

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The Life Working® Resume Writing and Career Coaching Team
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