Career Transition Toolkit: Navigating Industry Shifts and Layoffs
In today’s unpredictable job market, industry shifts and layoffs can feel like unexpected roadblocks. It's natural to feel uncertain or even discouraged, and it may be hard to have a positive attitude if you have just lost your job. However, with the right mindset, tools, and support, you can turn these temporary setbacks into opportunities and emerge stronger than ever.
So, how can you make your LinkedIn profile a powerful tool that attracts recruiters and opportunities? Here's how!
Embracing Change: How to Navigate Career Transitions
Feeling stuck? Maybe you are feeling a mismatch between your values and your current job. If you are thinking about making a job or career change, it can feel daunting and overwhelming. No one signs up to be a job seeker, and for most people, the thought of making a transition feels scary and uncomfortable.
8 Ways to Say Thank You for Your Success
How to thanks those who've helped you in your career by helping someone else now.
5 Ways to Test Drive a Career Change
Thinking about making a career change? Try test driving it first. Talk to people, do your research and stay open and flexible!
To Bring Out Your Best, Try Acting "As If"
Is there some aspect of your job search that you wish you were better at, some behavior you know is key to your success, but you just don't feel you have the chops to pull it off?