What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
With the average job-seeker experiencing multiple career changes in their lifetime, having a clear understanding of the skills and qualifications needed for a specific role is crucial. This post highlights the importance of professional help in achieving career clarity, including career exploration coaching and career assessments. By gaining a better understanding of one's values, interests, and skills, individuals can better articulate their unique values and stand out in a competitive job market.

Make sure your resume stands out using the top 5 resume writing tips from professional resume writers

Free or Paid Career Assessments: Which is Better?
Free career assessments are often unproven and unreliable; plus, they don't come with the insights of a certified career coach.

Reimagining Your Career Post Pandemic? You’re Not Alone
The pandemic has changed the face of the workplace forever. For many workers, new unforeseen opportunities and the flexibility of working remotely are welcome improvements to the 9 to 5 routine.

8 Ways to Say Thank You for Your Success
How to thanks those who've helped you in your career by helping someone else now.

5 Ways to Test Drive a Career Change
Thinking about making a career change? Try test driving it first. Talk to people, do your research and stay open and flexible!

To Bring Out Your Best, Try Acting "As If"
Is there some aspect of your job search that you wish you were better at, some behavior you know is key to your success, but you just don't feel you have the chops to pull it off?

Let's Get to Work: Practical Tips for 50+ Job Seekers
I love coaching people in their careers and job searches. Recently I spoke to a group of unemployed job seekers, mostly 50+, as I have done many times. The focus of the presentation involved outlining the actions needed to conduct a successful job search in 2015. I made no mention of age.