Stuck in Your Job Search? 6 Ways a Coach Can Help
Career Coaching Wilma Nachsin Career Coaching Wilma Nachsin

Stuck in Your Job Search? 6 Ways a Coach Can Help

If you’re looking to take the next step in your career but don’t know where to start, we have two words for you to consider: career coach. Much like a sports coach or fitness coach, a professional career coach can help you gain and maintain focus, direction, and motivation.

How do you know if this is the right next step for you? Here are a few ways career coaching can make all the difference.  

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AI-generated Resumes - A Helpful Tool or a Red Flag for HR?
Wilma Nachsin Wilma Nachsin

AI-generated Resumes - A Helpful Tool or a Red Flag for HR?

Theoretically, AI-generated resumes should simplify and enhance the resume process by analyzing job descriptions, suggesting relevant content, optimizing keywords, and creating tailored resumes based on your input and the job position's requirements.  

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