Handbills: The Ultimate Networking Tool You Need Right Now

In a world where online job boards and social media dominate, the networking handbill serves as your defining statement and becomes your secret weapon. Compact yet impactful, a handbill is a personalized snapshot of your professional brand, skills, qualifications, and career goals. 

Did you know that 89% of people remember receiving a handbill or flyer more than any other form of promotion? 

  • 79% engage with handbills or pass them on to others.  

  • 45% preserve handbills for future reference.  

  • 13% keep handbills beyond a week.  

A handbill speaks volumes about your professional brand, even when you're not in the room. A well-crafted handbill succinctly communicates who you are, what makes you unique, and the value you bring to the table. It's your elevator pitch in tangible form, ready to impress networking contacts and potential employers alike. 

But it's not just about making a great first impression—it's about setting yourself up for success throughout your job search journey. Your handbill provides the foundation for articulating your unique selling proposition during interviews, giving you the confidence to shine. 

Your handbill is given to your networking connections, which will keep you top of mind, increase your visibility, and enable you to uncover new job opportunities. In a 2020 LinkedIn survey, 73% of respondents landed new jobs because they received an introduction from a professional connection. According to CNBC, 70% of jobs are filled through the “hidden job market” and not posted publicly.  

Why is a Handbill Vital to Your Job Search? 

It’s Personal  

There's something memorable about handing someone a tangible document. Whether at networking events, career fairs, or career research conversations (informational interviews), a well-crafted handbill leaves a lasting impression. 

You Can Target Distribution 

Handbills are versatile and can be strategically distributed. You control where and how your information is shared, whether attached to a networking email, left at industry professional association meetings and networking events, or handed out at dinner parties or career fairs. 

Enhance Your Online Presence 

While online platforms are essential, a physical representation of your skills adds depth to your job search. A handbill complements your LinkedIn profile, resume, or online career portfolio website, showcasing your expertise in a tangible way. 

So, why wait? Don't leave your networking success to chance. Plan ahead and create your job search handbill today. It's the key to opening doors, unlocking new opportunities, making connections, and leaving a lasting impression on those who can shape your professional future.  

Do you need guidance developing your handbill, touting your accomplishments, or highlighting new skills on your resume? We can help. Life Working® offers a comprehensive Career Assessment Center, resume and writing services, and free consultation

If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out. We look forward to partnering with you! 

Wilma and the Life Working® Career Coaching Team